1·Shenzhen surplus sea shipping company is shipping a new type of integrated management of shipping enterprises.
2·A sea shipping network is constructed based on the prediction of importation of iron ore in China within this decade.
3·Funds of disbursement for shipping operation transferred by sea shipping company in international sea shipping operation to its subsidiaries and transportation fees submitted by its subsidiaries.
4·First, Venice's intermediary functions in the Adriatic Sea, where it had dominated the business of shipping for other parties, were lost to direct trading.
5·Russiahas recently started shipping oil from an offshore terminal in the Pechora Sea to Murmansk.
6·Although the cost of shipping goods from Nanjing and other mainland airports has fallen dramatically, high fuel prices continue to make it more attractive to ship large cargo by sea rather than air.
7·Nick Rau, energy campaigner at Friends of the Earth, agreed. 'We could easily supply our electricity demand from offshore, even with other demands on sea such as shipping, fishing and defence radar.
8·THE stretch of the Pacific between Hawaii and California is virtually empty. There are no islands, no shipping lanes, no human presence for thousands of miles—just sea, sky and rubbish.
9·Apart from Archangel on the White Sea, closed by ice for most of the year, the country had no access to the world's shipping lanes.
10·Helen: I'm not sure what the shipping schedule will be for the sea freight.